Bakarmax recently completed a project for Dr. Saurabh Pagda a Delhi-based orthopaedic doctor, who approached the team after our appearance on Shark Tank India season 1, to create a comic about his father’s life. The comic was a gift for his father’s retirement event, showcasing his father’s journey from working at a pharmacy to becoming the regional head of the Lions Club.
The project was completed in just 20 days and was made in the Mad Magazine art style, which was the client’s preference. We immediately started with the character roughs, and Dr Saurabh provided all the old images for reference, and the team worked closely with him to ensure that the comic captured the essence of his father’s story.
The end result was a touching tribute to Dr Saurabh’s father, which was well-received at his retirement event. The comic perfectly captured the essence of his father’s journey and celebrated his achievements.
Want to get a comic for a special occasion? Get in touch with us –